yes, it's true. my husband still fancies me. and i'd probably rather he didn't, right now.
i've told him that 10 days after the birth of a child is not the best time to come on to your wife - he agrees with the logic but says he can't help wanting to catch up on all the sex we missed when i was pregnant.
oh god.
despite the jokiness of our exchanges there is a (for me) frightening sub text. from my research into how women feel about sex after childbirth, we fall into two very different camps.
the first group of women (oh, lucky them), think nothing of breaking the six week ban on post natal sex. 'dying to try it out' and 'horny as hell' were two descriptions of how these women feel about sex.
for the other group of women (including me), it's a kind of 'never would be too soon' approach to sex. add this to the fact that the hubs expects us to be having the rigorous, physically unforgiving athletic kind of sex we had as new lovers. oh dear.
we have what nigel, our therapist, would call 'a gap in expectations'. now ain't that the truth.
luckily, i feel in much better shape physically and mentally than when i had the first little thing. but my reluctance to get back in the saddle as soon as possible is nevertheless there.
and damn, my husband still fancies me. isn't it cruel the way the world works ?