slummy mummy

welcome to the world of capuccinos, childcare and afternoon naps.

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Zzzzzzzzz ......

i don't think i've felt this tired since ... oh, since i was about to have the little thing.

this morning was a nursery morning so i came home and slept. then i woke up so tired that i called to see if she could stay for the afternoon. so i got off the phone and slept. the hubs is away tonight so i'm going to have some dinner - and sleep.

i am now one of those 'mommy bloggers' who only has tiredness to talk about. oh no! the future could be bleak for this blog - tiredness could be the start of a downhill slide into endless posts on the impossibility of weight loss, detailed birth stories and my breastfeeding diary.

tee hee, well as i have NO illusions that i'm breastfeeding the new little thing that's one thing we don't need to worry about. fingers crossed that i'll be able to lose weight from my tried and tested excercise / diet regime and detailed birth stories never look that good in print. in my experience they just escape when you least expect them.

like the time i went to see some old friends from the newsroom and they asked how come i'd been in labour so long ? (the 44 hour marathon timing had somehow made it onto the new arrival email). without thinking i replied that i had no idea and would have asked for pain relief sooner except my mind kept going blank with pain every time i had a contraction.

it was months later i heard a story repeated to me that Jane W had now vowed never to have children since i had told the work mates "what it was really like".

oh dear.


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