slummy mummy

welcome to the world of capuccinos, childcare and afternoon naps.

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

you're working ?

yes, i'm working. but when's the baby due ?

what ? oh, this thing - any time next month. lovely to see you, i'll come and catch up with you later !

yes, i'm working and it's been fabulous. kind of like a little set piece play of my life before babies and marriage. i get up, put on my costume, get on the train and then all of a sudden it's sweet urban me again.

a quick sweep of selfridges, pick up a salad and i'm set to clock on for the day.

i get stuck into the work easily and i try to stay sitting down. that way less people notice (or feel obliged to comment on) my advanced state of pregnancy.

'when is my baby due?' oh do me a favour ... do you really care ? can't we just talk about the weather. "you are such a fabulous looking pregnant woman!" er ... i know, so can we just stop mentioning it ?

maybe i should get one of those t-shirts printed up - "Yes! Pregnant and Fabulous" and on the back comes the pay off "for more details log on to"


Blogger Unknown said...

I might've bought one... Perhaps you were on to something!

... Also: I miss the free Big Brother categories wherein "shackles" always came up for maximum points!

I swear I'm not stalking you our in love with you... I just miss playing the game with you, not to mention my British education.


If this is even you.

11:19 AM  

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