slummy mummy

welcome to the world of capuccinos, childcare and afternoon naps.

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

a moment's peace

little thing at nursery, hubs on the train, me at home on the lap top with gorgeous gorgeous cool breeze coming from the rain outside the windows.

have decided to use this post as a little aide memoire of certain significant things going on in my life at the moment.

1. am eight/ eight and a half months pregnant. looking ok, feeling squashed and dreading the b-word. you know, birth.

2. am working 5 days this month. doubting the sensibility of this but the offer came at a time when i needed to confirm the possibility of financial independence from the hubs, should i decide to leave him.

3. is my birthday tomorrow. how nice. although did ban birthdays last year when we had a full scale drunken row about his mother over a very expensive dinner.

4. despite the unspeakable horrors of the b-word, we have a new little thing coming to live with us. i am so thrilled and so excited. still can't believe that i have a family of my own.

5. feeling sad that the ice cream embargo (lifted during pregnancy) will return when the little thing arrives.

6. oh, and of course, the constant musings, "... I wonder if it's a boy ? It might be a girl. It would be lovely to have a boy. I'd love another girl ..."


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