slummy mummy

welcome to the world of capuccinos, childcare and afternoon naps.

Friday, May 05, 2006

i love white trash mom

i've been getting to know my fellow bloggers over the past few days and it seems that they're mainly mommy bloggers not mummy bloggers.

american moms have a whole blog scene, believe me. they have blogging mommy group sites that you can link to ( i tried, but my computer skills were too slummy and i got cyber stuck), they have blogs that go back years and they even have a conference and PRIZES for the 'blog of the month'. phew, those girls work hard at blogging.

i came across white trash mom on one of the link sites. reading her scathing remarks on the Muffia ( the US equivalent of Yummies) i instantly knew i'd found a stateside slummy.

tee hee. where else can you read a blog criticising post baby Britney for letting the trailer park side down. how right is she that the vehicle with the biggest tyres always has right of way ? and why is a white trash blog so much more appealing than a muffia or yummy blog ?

it could be inverted snobbery, it could be to do with the fascination of the 'other', or it could just be that slummy blogs are so much more damn amusing than the holier than thou muffia/ yummy kind. i do not need tips on the importance of 'me-time', nor do i need to read a yummy's breastfeeding diary or share recipes. please.

basically, we all know how difficult the motherhood thing is and an evil minded blog can brighten even the darkest days.

yummy bloggers 0, slummy bloggers 1.


Blogger Ice Fairy said...

Yippee slummies win!! I am their cheerleader! Slum-ees slum-eees! xxx

8:42 PM  

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