slummy mummy

welcome to the world of capuccinos, childcare and afternoon naps.

Monday, April 24, 2006

symptoms of pregnancy

at six and a half months in, i'm thinking that this could be a good time to catch up on the not so obvious symptoms of my pregnancy.

1) an unprecedented and voracious appetite. accompanied by an unnerving and graphic greed that has me fantasising about all kinds of foodstuffs. slightly unsettling as have always been on the thin side of thin (even after first baby, hurrah!). less sure of returning thin status with this one.

2) unprecedented fantasies of work. how truly bizarre. i find myself reminiscing about my old days in a newsroom in which i found working a constant struggle (not challenge). and then i start conjuring up scenarios involving new jobs in journalism with deeply satisfying duties. hmm, need to work on this one as 6 and a half months preggers is not a good time for job hunting.

3) a change in my relationship with the hubs. yes, of course sending his passport to the dvla when he needed it to travel to vegas hasn't helped but there are other changes afoot. this morning (after a night of vivid ex boyfriend dreams) i had the unnerving sensation of hardly knowing the hubs. i'm currently putting down to a pregnancy mind mix up but also think it has to do with our increasingly separate roles in family life.

so, i think the symptoms point to me needing to return to work. somewhere with a sandwich shop right next door.


Blogger Ice Fairy said...

Hey slummy!
I love being able to escape into your world. Hope the thing and the hubs are doing well. Thinking of you xxx

6:36 AM  

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