slummy mummy

welcome to the world of capuccinos, childcare and afternoon naps.

Friday, April 28, 2006

home alone

once upon a time i used to live for Fridays. the F-word in those days meant NO WORK for two whole days, a chance to blow hard earned cash on the clothes, drink or drugs of your choice and as much uninterrupted 'quality time' with your chosen other as either of you could manage.

other slummies will sympathise with me when i say that now all that Friday symbolises is the glimmer of hope on the horizon that someone (the chosen other) will help you with the childcare. once he's finished reading the paper, drinking coffee, showering, playing playstation, having a nap etc etc.

but this is no time to be bitter as tonight i find myself with no baby and no husband. the hubs is on his way to a stag do in estonia. " ...slightly scary all male flight to stagonia!" was his last text message before take off. and the little thing's on a mini break with granny grandad at the seaside.

so, right now it's still early evening and i have a few simple goals.

1) eat a second portion of strawberries, meringues and cream
2) lounge on the sofa like a man (will get bored after 2 mins but is still a cheap thrill)
3) work on the plot of my book 'mark of shame'

home alone. it's true slummy mummy heaven.


Blogger Ice Fairy said...

It does sound heavenly! Hope you had sweet dreams. And honey how did you do that lovely background? I want to make mine look nicer. xxxx

8:16 AM  
Blogger slummy mummy said...

thanks ba, welcome to my slummy world!

ice fairy - you need to go into templates and choose a different layout that you like the look of.

4:45 PM  

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